The Sydney Opera House is probably one of the most iconic architectural structures in the world. I was so excited that both of my hotels for the Sydney portion of my trip were within walking distance to the opera house. And even better – my room at the InterContinental gave me a view of the Sydney Opera House with the Botanical Gardens in the background. Anyway, while in Sydney we took a guided tour of the opera house – which I highly recommend. And for those of you who follow my Instagram (@theantibridezilla) you know that i took a lot of pictures of the opera house. It’s so gorgeous because it dominates the harbor and is the perfect backdrop for wedding photos.

The tour lasts about an hour but gives you a great overview of the backstory behind the design and construction (which is actually quite complex). You’re also able to tour a variety of performance spaces such as the main stage where symphonies and concerts take place as well as a side performance space which tends to hold more avant garde style shows. Unfortunately there was a copyrighted show booked in the smaller performance space so I couldn’t take any pictures. But I did sneak a picture of the Sydney Orchestra practicing in the main performance hall. However, I did get to see the orchestra practicing which was quite amazing.

And P.S. – I probably had the best breakfast of all Sydney times at one of the cafes in the Sydney Opera House. We had time to kill before the tour started opted to grab food at the indoor-outdoor cafe. I had this amazing toasted thick cut bread covered in thick sliced bacon, melted cheese and poached eggs. It was so good I didn’t even take a picture of it. However, word of warning if you sit outside: the seagulls down by the Sydney Opera House are pretty ruthless – even the locals warn you to be careful. People have had food snatched out of their hands! And even as a New Yorker who’s used to gross pigeons and pushy people, these birds hover dangerously close to tables to stake claims.

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