Technically, Spring is right around the corner. But depending on where in the country you live, it might still feel pretty frigid. And if you’ve yet to find the perfect moisturizers, your skin might be looking a little worse for wear. This winter, I’ve actually managed to avoid the traditional battle against flakes and winter itch, and I think I have hyaluronic acid to thank for it.

This season, I’ve been relying on this über powerful ingredient whether as pure hyaluronic acid or as a primary ingredient in mists, lotions and serums. While the name might scare you off, it actually helps your skin stay hydrated and can hold 1000 times its weight in moisture. I’ve also featured hyaluronic acid on here in the past. So, with that in mind, check out my recommended roundup of hyaluronic acid based moisturizers. As usual, I’ll highlight which items I purchased versus received from the brand. 

Global Beauty Care Hyaluronic Acid Spa Treatment Masks (purchased)

Sheet masks are no longer a new thing in the U.S., but these sheet masks are everything. The masks are saturated with a soothing gel full of hyaluronic acid that helps to banish dryness, improve your skin’s firmness and elasticity and most importantly infuse essential hydration. Use these like you would any other sheet mask and apply to a clean face. Let it sit for 15 minutes, however unlike many sheet masks, with this one, you want to take it off after the allotted time to avoid irritation.

Timeless Beauty Hyaluronic Acid Serum 100% Pure (gifted)

I featured this particular product back over the summer and it’s stayed in my beauty arsenal. While you can use it alone as a moisturizer, I like to combine it with my Pixi Beauty Rose Oil Blend for boosted hydration. If you’re sensitive to scents, you’ll appreciate that this product is scent-free. It’s lightweight enough to use as a routine AM/PM moisturizer and is ideal for a quick boost before applying makeup.

MyChelle Ultra Hyaluronic Beauty Mist (gifted)

This is another item that I’ve previously featured during a holiday beauty roundup but I think it deserves another mention. If you’re the type who doesn’t enjoy dealing with droppers of oil or serums, then this lightweight and gently scented mist is a great alternative. In addition to hyaluronic acid which is one of the top ingredients, it also contains jasmine oil (which gives it an awesome natural scent) and squalane. Squalane is a naturally derived skincare ingredient which your skin loves because it’s closely related to squalene that is normally produced by your body.

Herbal Dynamics Beauty Prickly Pear & Vitamin C Daily Face Moisturizer (gifted)

While hyaluronic acid isn’t the star of the show in this product, it’s part of a quartet of moisture loving, skin friendly ingredients. Prickly pear seed oil and extracts from the resurrection plant, watermelon and oarweed come together to create a very nourishing daily moisturizer that gives you an instant plumping effect. However, do note this moisturizer does contain fragrance.

Medix 5.5 Hyaluronic + Bulgarian Rose Instant Hydration Cream (purchased)

This is a TJ Maxx/Marshalls find that’s so good I’ve gone back many times to stock up even though I still have quite a bit of lotion left from my first bottle. Essentially, this is a thicker lotion that ups the ante by included hyaluronic acid. You can use it on your face or body, and it has the heavenly scent of rose. Other beneficial ingredients include Vitamin E, green tea and goji berry. On scent alone I love this product, but I also use it as a regular moisturizer for my entire body.

IT Cosmetics Confidence in a Gel Lotion (gifted)

While IT doesn’t expressly promote this product as containing hyaluronic acid (which it sort of does in the salt form of sodium hyaluronate), it’s awesome as an ultra hydrating daily facial moisturizer. If you don’t like using oils because you feel they’re too heavy, this lighter weight gel still gives you serious hydration, but it absorbs quickly. So, you won’t be left with a greasy feeling while you wait for your moisturizer to dry.

Good to Know:

So, like I mentioned at the top, for the first time since probably almost 15 years ago when I was in college in North Carolina, my skin has been in really great shape this winter. No flakes, no dull patches and no winter itch. And I definitely believe it’s because I pretty much exclusively focused on hyaluronic acid based products. And while it’s been awesome for my skin, I noticed in the last month that it definitely impacted my makeup. It’s actually possible to have too much of a good thing in terms of moisturizing. Normally, in the winter I have dry skin and it creates a lot of flaking especially when I apply foundation.

But thanks to hyaluronic acid, the flaking has been replaced by my makeup just being really greasy or shiny for the last month when the weather was coldest. I personally believe this is primarily because I prime with a hydrating antioxidant boosting serum before applying makeup. So all that layered hydration might just be creating an oily mess. Even my typically matte finish foundations end up sliding and leaving me shiny within minutes of applying. So, I’m scaling back the amount of hyaluronic acid I use on a daily basis by just a bit. Now if you don’t routinely wear makeup, this isn’t an issue for you and there’s no need to adjust your hyaluronic acid usage. But if you do wear a full face or foundation in particular, it’s important to keep this in mind.

For more winter skincare articles, click here.

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