TAB Travel: #TABHoneyMoonsAsia – A Crash Course in Hong Kong!

Last month I took a much needed trip to Asia to get a break from the craziness that is the US right now and to recharge for what’s sure to be a very hectic 2017. #TABHoneymoonsAsia was a two part, week and a half trip I took between Hong Kong and Tokyo to specifically focus … Continue reading TAB Travel: #TABHoneyMoonsAsia – A Crash Course in Hong Kong!

TAB Travel: Cello Mobile – Staying Connected for #TABHoneymoonsAsia

This week I’m heading off to my favorite part of the world to showcase two amazing cities for the adventurous honeymooning couple. But one of those things that a lot of people forget to focus on until a mere few days before their trip starts is to confirm their wifi or cell service for overseas … Continue reading TAB Travel: Cello Mobile – Staying Connected for #TABHoneymoonsAsia

TAB Travel: TABDownUnder – Arriving in Sydney & First Impressions!

So, my first day in Sydney was an early one with a 6:30AM arrival into Sydney’s airport. After a slightly confusing trip through immigration and customs, we were finally on our way. The very first thing I did once we had our luggage was pick up our wifi hotspot device. Now, if you’ve ever traveled … Continue reading TAB Travel: TABDownUnder – Arriving in Sydney & First Impressions!